
Hey Mr DJ!!

Most brides say one of the most important elements is your DJ. He can make or break the whole reception. I agree. This is why I think I am one of the LUCKIEST brides on the planet! My Cousin is a DJ, one of the best in Chicago (yeah I am tooting his horn!) He plays at quite a few clubs and does weddings on the side. He also does lighting. As a gift to me, he is doing it all for FREE!! Brides love the word FREE more than any other word during their planning. He is amazing, really. He called me the other day with his plans and I am VERY excited!
I will have white LED lights shooting up my walls at the venue. There will be a laser light show, spotlights and a haze machine. (Its like a smoke machine but it doesn't gag people and venues actually allow it). He will also be using dry ice for a smoke effect at our feet as we do our first dance. Dancing on clouds!
This will all tie together with our black & white checkered dance floor. My tables will be white with an Eiffel vase as the centerpiece. The vase will be filled with jelly crystals and lit up with the LED light. White flowers draped with hanging crystals will fall from the flowers. Votives will be placed around the base of each vase. I think this will cause a jaw dropping effect.
Here are some pictures of what my awesome Cousins lighting looks like. He did ALL the lighting you see in these pictures.

If any bride can afford to get good lighting at their venue..DO IT!! You will be amazed at the element it can and will add to your evening. 


1 comment:

grahpic desgin said...

interesting comment, great blog