
The wedding song. Suggestions?

We're not a very mushy couple. In fact if we didn't have to do the Father/Daughter  Mother/Son dance, we wouldn't be even doing our first song. We do need to do it though so we have a way to lead in those other dances. With that said, we need to make a decision.

This was "technically" our first slow song we ever danced to. I know I can honestly say that at one point and time when we did dance to this song Chris almost started crying..The dude teared up at the bar because at times, he can be a cheese ball ...HA! He still denies this but I was there. The man got emotional. My issue is I think this is half of the worlds population wedding song.

But..then there was yet another song that meant so much to us. This song really hit home with us at one point in time. I can remember exactly when this song meant so much to us..still can get me emotional. This is the version we would have to use because the song gets fast..and well, Chris cant dance lol!

Ok back to the whole Shayne is a vintage whore thing...Chris is a Sinatra fan and a fan of music from that era to an extent. I found this gem and I adore it as well

Then there is this song. Chris and I have hit many rough patches in our relationship and we survived it all. We had places in our life where we were separate in an emotional way..In the end we both realized that we cant live without each other and we can never be apart. This song makes me cry my heart out but I dont know if people will get it. I know people dont have to get it but I dont want them thinking it is kind of a break up song..

Ya know, I go back and read what I said about not being a "mushy couple". I guess we actually are. Now I need to make a decision. Anyone have any suggestions?


Heather {Butterflygirlms} said...

Hmmm, some hard chooses. I would have to say it's between Lifehouse & Sinatra!

Unpredictable Mom said...

Yeah I think Lifehouse too or maybe I'll be..SHIT!! And thats Dean Martin LOL!!

Jillian said...

We did Come Away with me by Norah Jones....

There is this awesom song we are man and wife

These are all such great songs though!!! Good luck