
How does a mom plan her wedding?

In my about me section of my blog it says I am a mother to 4 and that they keep me busy... that is an understatement.
Baseball- My son Jonathan just started his baseball season. He is on TWO teams this year. You know what that means? 59 games this season. Yep, 59! The kid even has a game on our wedding day. Yes he is going! The wedding isn't until 3 and with the Mr. a coach..there is really no option other than forfeit. No way!
Softball- Emily is on a softball league at 16 games this season (not including practice days). Awesome!
Track. Yep, track. My son Mike is a freshman and on the high school track team. He has practice every day until 5 pm. This does not include track meets.
Poms/Dance. There is that too! My daughter Kate just spent the last two days at clinic and tryouts were today. Guess what? She made it. That means practice 3 times a week from May 4th until March 2011.
I would like to give you a run down of ONE day in my house. Let's do yesterday.

7:15- Mike leaves
7:35- Kate & jon leave
8:00- Get Emmy ready and have her out the door
9:00- Emmy leaves
9:00 until ?- I clean the entire house top to bottom. I do this daily. Wash about 4 loads of laundry (daily) and then hit my emails to start my job. I spend a few hours doing my graphic designs for clients then will start my errands (ya know, endless wedding shopping)
2:45- Kate & Jon get home. Homework!
3:40- Emmy gets home. Homework!
Hurry up and feed the kids dinner
4:15- Leave to take Jon to his game. He has to arrive 1 hour early. Drive across town to drop Jon off. On the way home, I stop at the high school to pick up Mike from track. Drop him off at home. Pick Kate up and turn around. Head back to the high school to have her there by 5:30.
Drop Kate off and run to Jons game that starts at 5:45. Sit and watch the game when it is 45 degrees out. 7:30 pm..still at his game, Kate send me a text. "Mom, pick me up!"
Pack up all the folding chairs, lug Emmy to the van, load it up and head BACK to the high school. Pick Kate up. Home!
Time to fold more laundry, check my emails again and get all the kids showered and ready for bed.
9:00 pm. Emmy and Jon go to bed. Time to make lunches for the next day.
10:00 pm Other kids hit the sack. Time for more of my job..UGH!!
I was swamped last night. Was up until 2 am working. Went to bed and started all over again today.

This is DAILY in my house. I barely have time to take a shower. I am exhausted and still have a wedding to finish planning.
Tomorrow Mike has a track meet, Emmy has softball practice and Jon has batting lessons. I also have to finish making a huge banner because Saturday is his baseball parade.(I'm the team Mom as well!)

The Mr. has it no different. He is the Assistant Superintendent for his job. He is up every day at 4:15 am. He coaches BOTH of my sons baseball teams and helps out with my daughters softball team as well. He leaves work and goes right to the fields and doesn't get home until 8 pm. He also drives Jon over an hour for a 30 minute batting lesson once a week.
We're both so tired but we wouldn't have it any other way. That's a small peek into my life.

My kitchen cabinets with all the schedules

Baseball games Below
Softball games below

Track Below

POMS below



Unknown said...

OMG!! I even can't imagine if I have 4 kids with that many activities, and I have to maintain my BEAUTIFUL blogs.. and prepare for the wedding!! I will faint on the spot. lol. u are a real SUPERMOM!

Heather {Butterflygirlms} said...

GEEZ!! What a HECTIC schedule!! I don't see how you do it all. WOW, WOW, WOW! I have to agree you are SUPERMOM 8]

Unpredictable Mom said...

Awww thanks ladies!! I call myself super mom but the kids think its "normal" lol!!

sonya said...

good lord shayne!!! i get cranky with my back and forths, but i must tip my biggest hat off to you. you do it & do it well. you take care of all of us as your clients with impeccable work & still maintain a family & home. you clearly have a method to the madness, & i wish i was half as organized as you! you deserve a mom of the year award! seriously. i wish i could afford to send you on an all paid/inclusive trip wherever you'd like to go with ALL your work, including the kids & home well cared for. with tv monitors so you could peek in, lol.